Sunnah4 Min Read Farasat Latifon3 November 2021 Was the Prophet Sent Only to Deliver the Qur’an? The Qur’aniyūn believe the sole function of the Prophet was to deliver the Qur'an, and not to explain it. Hence the hadīth does not explain…
Sunnah5 Min Read Farasat Latifon3 November 2021 Is the Sunnah a Form of Revelation? One of the key arguments of the Quraniyūn is that revelation is confined to the Quran and hence the Sunnah is not revelation. Therefore we…
Misconceptions Sunnah9 Min Read Farasat Latifon3 November 2021 Efforts in Countering Hadith Fabrication The earliest known hadith fabricator was a Shi'i leader called Mukhtaar ath-Thaqafi. He asked the Companion Rabi al Khuzai to fabricate a…
Misconceptions Sunnah2 Min Read Farasat Latifon3 November 2021 Hadith and Written Records: The Origins of Islamic Documentation The Quraniyun argue that hadīth were written so long after the events that it is impossible to vouch for their authenticity.