The appointment of Abu Bakr as-Siddique as the Khalifa.

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In this article we discribe the process by which the Companions agreed to the appointment of Abu Bakr as-Siddique as the Khalifa.

The meeting at Saqifa

When the Companions knew for certain that the Messenger of Allah had indeed died, the Ans̩ar gathered in the courtyard of Banu Saa’idah in Saqifa on Monday, the 12th of Rabbee’ul Awwal. The purpose of their meeting was to choose someone among them to be the first Khalifa of the Muslim nation.

The people of the Ansar gathered around the leader of the Khazraj tribe, Sa’ad ibn ‘Ubaadah. He was a Badri, participated in the second pledge of Aqabah and was highly regarded amongst the Ans̩ār. ‘Umar was informed about this meeting and he said to Abū Bakr “Let us go to our brothers from the Ans̩ār”.

The narration of Umar

‘Umar said:

“So we left, intending to go and meet with them. When we reached them in the courtyard of Banu Saa’idah, I saw in their midst a man who was wrapped up in clothing, and I asked, ‘Who is that?’ They said, ‘That is Sa’ad ibn ‘Ubaadah. I said, ‘What is the matter with him (i.e., why is he wrapped up thus)?’ They said, ‘He has a fever and is experiencing a great deal of pain.’ A short while after we had sat down (in their midst), their speaker (stood up and) proclaimed the Testimony of Faith and praised Allah as He deserves to be praised. He then said, ‘To proceed: We are the helpers of Allah and the army of Islam. Meanwhile you — O men of the Muhaajiroon — are a small group of people. A party among your people has come here, wanting to deprive us of the right to take over the reins of leadership.

When he fell silent, I wanted to speak, for I had thought up beautiful words to say. But when I was about to speak, Abu Bakr said, ‘Take it easy’. So I remained silent, not wanting to arouse his anger. Abu Bakr then spoke. He was more forbearing than I was, and more dignified. By Allah, as for all of the wonderful things that I had thought of saying, he said them in a similar or better manner, until he was finished speaking and fell silent.

He (Abu Bakr) said, “You (O people of the Ans̩ār) are worthy of all of the good things you have said about yourselves. Nonetheless, only the people of the Quraish have a right to the caliphate: they are the best among all Arabs in terms of both their lineage and their homeland. I am pleased for you with either of these two men, so pledge allegiance to whichever of them you want. He then took the hand of Abu “Ubaidah ibn Al-Jarraah, who was also seated among us…. Umar said, “By Allah, for me to have my neck struck (with a sword), so long as that does not make me sinful, is more beloved to me than for me to become leader over a people who have in their midst Abu Bakr.

Someone from the Ans̩ār said, ‘I am a person who is recognized for my sound views, and I am well respected among my people (so listen to what I have to say). Let us choose a leader from among us, and a leader from among you, O people of the Quraish. Umar replied, “O people of the Ans̩ār, do you not know that the Messenger of Allah ordered Abu Bakr to lead the people (in prayer), so (with that knowledge) which one of you would be content to be placed ahead of Abu Bakr? The people of the Ans̩ār replied, “We seek refuge with Allah from any one of us being placed ahead of Abu Bakr.” (Musnad Aḥmad S̩ah̩īh̩).

People began to argue, and voices were raised. In order to quell their disagreement, I said, “Extend your hand, O Abu Bakr. He extended his hand, and I pledged allegiance to him. The Muhaajiroon also pledged to follow him, after which the Ans̩ār did the same.’ Umar added, “By Allah, apart from the great tragedy that had happened to us (i.e. the death of the Prophet), there was no greater issue than the allegiance pledged to Abu Bakr. Because we were afraid that if we left the people, they might give the pledge of allegiance after us to one of their men, in which case we would have given them our consent for something against our real wish, or would have opposed them and caused great trouble.” (taken from Bukhari).

Did Sa’d b. ‘Ubāda give bay’a to Abu Bakr?

According to the narration in Musnad Ahmad, Abu Bakr said, “And you indeed know that the Messenger of Allah said, “Were the people to travel through one valley, and were the Ans̩ār to travel through another valley, I would travel through the valley of the Ans̩ār.’ And you indeed know, O Sa’ad, that the Messenger of Allah said while you were sitting down (and listening to him), “The people of the Quraish are in charge of this matter (i.e., of the caliphate): all righteous people are followers of their righteous people, and all evildoers are followers of their evildoers.” Sa’ad said, “You have spoken the truth. We are your ministers, and you are our leaders.” (Musnad Aḥmad S̩ah̩īh̩)

Muawiyah reported that the Messenger of Allah said : “Verily, this affair (i.e., the caliphate) is restricted to the Quraish. (Bukhari)

The general bay’a to Abu Bakr

The appointment of Abu Bakr in the courtyard of Banu Saa’idah — as well as the pledges that were made to him on that day — was a private affair. In order to confirm Abu Bakr’s appointment, the general public’s participation was required. And so on the following day, the general masses of Muslims gathered together in order to pledge their allegiance to Abu Bakr.

Anas ibn Maalik reported that, on the day after the meeting took place in the courtyard of Banu Saa’idah, Abu Bakr sat down on the pulpit. As he was seated, ‘Umar stood up and went on to say,

O people, indeed I said something to you yesterday which is not from that which is found in the Book of Allah; nor was what I said something that the Messenger of Allah promised to us (here, ‘Umar was referring to how, on the previous day, he publicly denied the possibility that the Prophet had died). It was just that I felt that the Messenger of Allah would outlive us all. Nonetheless, Allah has left among you His Book, through which He guided His Messenger. If you adhere to the same Book, Allah will guide you upon the same path that He guided His Messenger. Now indeed Allah has brought you together and united you under (your new leader). He is the best among you; he is the companion of the Messenger of Allah; and he was the second of two when they were in the cave. So stand up and pledge your obedience to him.

The general population of Muslims then pledged allegiance to him, just as, on the previous day, a select group of Muslims did the same.

The pledge of Ali

.Both `Ali and al-Zubayr came to offer their bay`ah. Abu Bakr stood up three times after he received bay`ah from `Ali and his companions, saying: “O people, I shall return your bay`ah to you, does anyone dislike this?” he said: So `Ali would stand among the first of them and say: “No by Allah we shall not let you retire, if the Messenger of Allah (salalahu alaihi wa sallam) placed you ahead (means leading Salat), then who can put you behind?” (al-Shari`ah lil-Aajurri).

For further reading about Ali’s stance towards Abu Bakr click here.

Summarised from Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq: His Life and Times. by Ali M. Sallabi and additional sources.

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