Author Archives: Farasat Latif

How Sunni Iran became a Shi’i country

a map of the middle east with a pin in it

Introduction For most of its Islamic history, the land of Iran was majority Sunni. The Shi’i Safavids, who took control of Iran in 1501, changed this forever. Unlike other Shi’i dynasties such as the Fatimids in north Africa and the Buyids in Iraq, the Safavids were successful in permanently changing the religious landscape of the […]

The Quraniyun of the twentieth century

brown wooden book shelf with books

Until very recently, the concept of the sunna, and its legal authority was never questioned. However, the twentieth century witnessed a number of individuals and groups, who under the guise of ‘returning to the Qur’an’ have rejected in totality, the legal authority of the sunna. This study critically analyses the works of three well known hadith rejectors: Ghulam Ahmad Parwez, Rashad Khalifa, and Kassim Ahmad.