Category Archives: Misconceptions

The Quraniyun of the twentieth century

brown wooden book shelf with books

Until very recently, the concept of the sunna, and its legal authority was never questioned. However, the twentieth century witnessed a number of individuals and groups, who under the guise of ‘returning to the Qur’an’ have rejected in totality, the legal authority of the sunna. This study critically analyses the works of three well known hadith rejectors: Ghulam Ahmad Parwez, Rashad Khalifa, and Kassim Ahmad.

Taqlid and closing the doors of Ijtihād

brown wooden door with padlock

Introduction In this article we examine the veracity of thee claim that the doors of Ijtihād were closed. Ijtihād is defined as follows: The total expenditure of effort made by a jurist in order to infer, with a degree of probability, the rules of the sharī’ah from their detailed evidences in the sources. It has […]

Did Islam abolish polygamy?

gold and silver round frame magnifying glass

Introduction This article examines the question as to whether Islam abolished polygamy. Some modernists claim that a careful examination of the verses on polygamy shows that the intention of Allah was to abolish polygamy. This article analyses this contention. Although a number of Muslim ‘thinkers’ reject polygamy in Islam, I will only critically examine the […]