Hadith Bibliography

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This bibliography provides a list of sources that I utilised in my various articles on hadith and sunnah.


Al-‘Abbad, Abdul Muhsin (n.d.) A study of the Hadeeth. ‘May Allaah Brighten the Man’ [TROID Publications]. Available at: <URL: http://www.troid.org/articles/hadeeth/notesuponprophetichadeeth/brightentheman.htm> Access Date: 3rd August 2002.

Abdul Ghaffar, Suhaib Ḥasan (1986). Criticism of Ḥadīth among Muslims with reference to Sunan ibn Maja. (Second Edition). London: Ta Ha Publishers Ltd.

Abdul Ghaffar, Suhaib Ḥasan (1994). An introduction to the science of Ḥadīth. London: Al-Qur’an Society.

Abdul Rauf, Muhammad. (1988). Irrationality of the Anti-Ḥadīth Heretics. Available at <URL: http:/www.e-bacaan.com/artikeli_FinalD2..htm> Access Date: 12th April 2005

Abbbot, Nabia. (1967). Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri II. Qur’ānic Commentary and Tradition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ahmad, Aziz. (1967). Islamic Modernism in India and Pakistan, 1857 -1964. London: Oxford University Press.

Ahmad, Kassim. (1997). Hadith a Re-evaluation. [Arizona, Monotheist Productions] Available at: <URL: http://free-minds.org/books/kassim.htm>  Access Date 14th January 2005.

Ahmad, Kassim. (2006). Essays and Commentaries from Malaysia’s foremost thinker and philosopher. Available at <URL: http://kassimahmad.blogspot.com/2006/04/hadith-re-evaluation-kassim-ahmad.html> Access Date: 4th July 2006.

Ahmed, Imtiaz. (1977). The significance of the sunnah and ḥadīth and their early documentation. Ph.D, Edinburgh University.

al- Albani, Nasir Ad-Din (1995). The Ḥadīth is Proof Itself in Beliefs and Laws. Florida: The Daar of Islamic Heritage Publications

al- Albani, Nasir Ad-Din (n.d.). The status of Sunnah in Islam. Kuwait: Revival of Islamic Heritage Society.

al-‘Alawānī, Ṭāhā Jābir. (1993). The Ethics of Disagreement in Islam. Herndon,Va: The International Institute of Islamic Thought.

‘Alī, Uthmaan bin Mu’allim Mahmood Bin Shaikh (2001). The Raid of the Faithful Believers in Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers. Available at: <URL: http://www.salafipublications.com/sps/> Access Date: 25th March 2003

‘Alī, Muḥammad Mohar (2003) A Word for Word Meaning of the Qur’ān, Volume 1. Ipswich: Jam’iyat Iḥyaa’ Minhaaj Al-Sunna

‘Alī, Muḥammad Mohar (2003) A Word for Word Meaning of the Qur’ān, Volume 2. Ipswich: Jam’iyat Iḥyaa’ Minhaaj Al-Sunnah

Ansārī,   Zafar ‘Ishāq. (1992). “The contribution of the Qur’ān and the Prophet to the Development of Islamic Fiqh”. Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(2), 141-171.

al-Ashqar. Umar S. (2003) The Messengers and the Messages in light of the Qur’ān and the Sunnah.(Second Edition). Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.

Azami, Habib-ur-Raḥmān. (n.d.) The sunna in Islam. The Eternal Relevance of the Teaching and Example of the Prophet Muhammad. Leicester: UK Islamic Academy.

al-Azami , M. Mustafa. (1977). Studies Hadīth Methodology and Literature. Indiana: American Trust Publications.

al-Azami, M. Mustafa. (1992). Studies in Early Hadīth Literature. (Third Edition). Indiana: American Trust Publications.

al-Azami, M. Mustafa. (1996). On Schacht’s Origins of Muḥammadan Jurisprudence. (Second Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, and Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society.

Arberry, A. J. (1954). “The teachers of Al-Bukhari”. The Islamic Quarterly, 1(3 and 4), 34-48.

Asutay, M. (2002). “Referencing and Citation Style: A guide to bibliographic referencing for social sciences” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture 3: Research and the Development of Knowledge. Introduction to Research Methodology” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture 4: Developing a research through levels of analysis. Social Research Strategies. Research Design: Issues” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture 5: Research Methodology.Research Method” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture 8: Discourse Analysis” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture 9: Writing a Research Proposal” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture Handout 10: Unobtrusive Research” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

Asutay, M. (2004). “Lecture Handout 11: “Historical Research” MIHE (in association with Loughborough University).

A’zami, Ḥabīb-ur-Raḥmān. (1989). The Sunnah in Islam. The eternal relevance of the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad. Leicester: UK Islamic Academy.

Bihar, Asraf ‘Alī Simsiti Pur. (2004). “The science of invalidation (jarh) and authentication (ta’dīl) of ḥadīth and its role in their protection and preservation”, in Y. Batha (Ed), The Muwatta of Imām Muhammad, (pp. 447-470). London: Turath Publishing.

Blanche, Martin Terre and Durreheim, Kevin. (1999), Research in Practice; Applied Methods for the Social Sciences. Cape Town: ULT.

Bravemann, M. M. (1972).  The Spiritual Background of Early Islam, Studies in Ancient Arab Concepts. Leiden: E.J Brill.

Daryabadi, Abdul Majid . (1984). “Mischief Against Ḥadīth Exposed’. Islamic Order, 6(3), 47-65.

Denscombe, M. (2003). Do your research project. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dickinson, Eerik, (2006).(translation of) An introduction to the Science of the Ḥ̣adīth. Shahrazūrī, Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ. Reading: Garnet Publishers Ltd.

Dr. Rashad Khalifa, an introduction.  (2003). Available at: <URL: http://www.islamicproductions.com/Rashad.html>. Access Date: 4th July 2006.

Draz, Muhammad Omar and Ditta Allah (n.d.) Allama Ghulam Ahmad Parwez. The Man Behind the Tolu-e-Islam Movement. A Life Sketch.  Available at: <URL: http://www.toluislam.com/parwez.htm> Access Date: 24th February 2005.

Fadel, Mohammed. (1995). “Ibn Hajar’s Hady as-Sari: A Medieval Interpretation of the Structure of al-Bukhārī’s al-Jami al Sahih”. Journal of North East Studies, 54 (3), 161-98.

Farūqi,   Muḥammad Yūsuf . (1992). “Legal Authority of the Sunnah: Practice of Rightly-Guided Caliphs and Views of the Early Fuqahā’. Islamic Studies, 31(6), 393-410.

Faynan, Rafi’el-Imdad, (1999). The Essential Arabic. A Learners Practical Guide. (Second Edition). New Delhi: Goodword Press.

Gad, Sayed (2000) (translation of) Stories of the Prophets Ibn Kathīr. El-Mansoura, Egypt: Dar Al-Manarah.

Ghuddah, ‘Abdul Fattāh Abū. (2003).Prophet Muhammad – The Teacher and his teaching methodologies. Karachi: Zam Zam Publishers.

Hafīz, Abd al-Rahmān Maḥmūd. (1977). The life of Zuhri and his scholarship in Qur’ānic sciences and ḥadīth and sunnah. Ph.D, Edinburgh University.

Hamidullah, Muḥammad. (1991). The Earliest Codification of the Ḥadīth: Kitāb Al-Sard Wa al-Fard. Islamabad: Pakistan Hijra Council.

Hamidullah, Muḥammad. (2003). An Introduction to the Conservation of Hadith in the Light of the Ṣahīfah of Hammam ibn Munabbih. (Third Edition). Kuala Lumpa: Islamic Book Trust.

Hamidullah, Muḥammad. (2004). The Emergence of Islam (Second Edition). New Delhi: Adam Publishers and Distributors.

Ḥasan,   Ahmad. (1968).“The Sunnah – Its Early Concept and Development”. Islamic Studies, 7(4), 46-69.

Ḥasan,   Ahmad. (2000). ” Sunnah as a Source of Fiqh” . Islamic Studies, 39(1), 3-53.

Ḥasan,   Ahmad. (1999). ” The Qur’ān: The Primary Source of Fiqh” . Islamic Studies, 38(4), 475-502.

Hasan, Suhaib. (1994).“An introduction to the science of hadith”. London: Al-Quran Society.

Hawkes, Jacquetta (1976). The Atlas of Early Man. Concurrent Developments across the Ancient World 35 000 BC – AD 500. London: Book Club Associates.

Husssain, Iftekhar Bano. (1997) Prophets in the Qur’ān . Volume One. The Early Prophets. London: Ṭā-Hā Publishers.

Jameelah, Maryam.(1965) Islam and Modernism. (Second Edition). Karachi: Mohammad Yūsuf Khan.

Kailani, Muḥammad Iqbal. (1998). The Book of Following the Prophet’s Path. Riyadh: Darussalam.

Kamali, Mohammad Hashim. (2005) A Textbook of Ḥadīth Studies. Authenticity, Compilation, Classification, and Criticism of Ḥadīth. Leicester: Islamic Foundation.

Kassim Ahmad- Biographical Data. (n.d.) Available at: <URL: http://kas1728393.tripod.com/jamhp2.htm>. Access Date: 4th July 2006.

Kasir, Omar Ahmed. (2005) Studies in Hadith Literature with a complete ḥadīth terminology. London: Al-Firdous Ltd.

Khadduri, Majid. (1987) Al- Shāfi’ī’s Risāla. Treatise on the foundations of Islamic Jurisprudence. (Second Edition). Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society.

Khalida, Tarif (1994). Arabic historical thought in the classical period. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Khalifa, Rashad (n.d.) Quran, Hadith, and Islam. Available at: <URL: http://www.submission.org/qhi.html>   Access Date 30th December 2004.

Khalifa, Rashad (2001.) Quran, Hadith, and Islam. Arizona: Universal Unity

Khan: Jaliluddin Ahmad (1982).  Contemporary Atheistic Materialism – A Reaction to Orthodox Christainity. Karachi: International Islamic Publishers

al- Khazraji, Khalid. (1999). On the Nature of Ḥadīth Collections of Imām al-Bukhārī & Muslim. Available at: <URL:  http://www.islamic-awareness.org> Access Date 11th October 2004. 

Lucas, Scott C. (2004). Constructive Critics, Ḥadīth Literature and the Articulation of Sunni Islam. The Legacy of the Generation of Ibn Sa’d, Ibn Ma’īn, and Ibn Ḥanbal. Leiden: Brill.

Ma, Ringo (n.d.) Textual Analysis. Available at:  <URL: www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ringoma/lectures/2320ch09.ppt> Access Date: 24th April 2005.

Mackensen, Ruth Stellhorn. (1937). “Arabic Books and libraries in the Umaiyad Period”. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 53 (4) 239-250. 

McDonough, Sheila. (1970). The Authority of the Past. A study of Three Muslim Modernists. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania: American Academy of Religion.

Motzki, Harold. (1991). ” The Muṣannaf of ‘Abd al-Razzāq al-Ṣan’ānī as a Source of Authentic Ahadith of the First Century A.H.”. Journal of Near East Studies, 50, 1-21.

Motzki, Harold. (2002) The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence. Meccan Fiqh before the Classical School. Leiden: Brill.

Mubarakpuri, Safiur-Raḥmān. (2000). Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged) Volumes One to Ten. Riyadh: Darussalam Publishers and Distributors.

Mubarakpuri, Safiur-Raḥmān. (2005)  In reply to the mischief of the denial of Hadīth Lahore: Quddusia Islamic Publishers:

Nadwi, Sayyed Abul Hassan ‘Alī. (2005). Ḥadīth Status and Role. An introduction to the Prophet’s Tradition. Leicester: UK Islamic Academy.

Parrot. A. (1974) “Abraham” in RM. Hutchins (Ed.), The New Encyclopaedia Britannica in 30 Volumes. Macropaedia Volume 1.  (pp.11-13)  Chicago:  William Benton.

Parwez, Ghulam Ahmad (.n.d.a.). Muqaam-e-Ḥadīth. Available at: <URL: http://www.toluislam.com/pub_online/position/hadith1.htm> Access Date: 1st August 2005.

Parwez, Ghulam Ahmad (.n.d.b.). Muqaam-e-Ḥadīth. Available at: <URL: http://www.toluislam.com/pub_online/position/hadith2.htm> Access Date: 1st August 2005.

Parwez, Ghulam Ahmad (.n.d.c). Muqaam-e-Ḥadīth. Available at: <URL: http://www.toluislam.com/pub_online/position/hadith3.htm> Access Date: 1st August 2005.

Parwez, Ghulam Ahmad (.n.d.d). Muqaam-e-Ḥadīth. Available at: <URL: http://www.toluislam.com/pub_online/position/hadith4.htm> Access: 1st August 2005.

Phillips, Abū Ameenah Bilal. (1987). The Qur’an’s Numerical Miracle: 19. Hoax and Heresy. Jeddah: Abdul Qāsim Bookstore. 

Phillips, Abū Ameenah Bilal. (1997). Usool at-Taseer. The Methodology of Qur’aanic Explanation. Sharjah: Dar al Fatah.

Phillips, Abū Ameenah Bilal. (2007). Usool Al-Hadeeth. The Methodology of Hadith Evaluation. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.

Qadhi, Abu Ammaar Yasir. (1999). An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’aan.Birmingham: Al Hidaayah Publishers & Distributors.

Rafiq, Aboo ‘Iyyaad Amjad ibn Muhammad Rafiq. (1997). The Creed of the Imaam of Ḥadīth, Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismaa’eel al-Bukhārī & of the great scholars from whom he narrated. Birmingham:  Al-Maktabah as-Salafiyyah Publications.

Raḥmān, Fazlur. (n.d.) “The Living Sunnah and Ahl- Sunnah wa’l Jamā’ah”, in P.K. Koya (Ed) Ḥadīth and Sunna, Ideals and Realities (Second Edition) ( pp 129 189). Kuala Lumpar: Islamic Book Trust.

Rashad Khalifa. (2006). Available at: <URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashad_Khalifa. Access Date: 4th July 2006.

Robinson, Chase R (2003). Islamic Historiography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saifullah, MSM and Karim,Elias. (1999). Explosive Increase of Isnād & Its Implications. [Islamic Awareness] Available at <URL: http:/www.islamic-awareness.org/Ḥadīth/exisnad.html> Access Date: 30th November 2004.

Saifullah, MSM and Ghoniem Muhammad. (1989). On the Nature of Ḥadīth Collections of Imam Al-Bukhārī & Muslim. [Islamic Awareness] Available at <URL: http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Hadith/bukhari.html> Access Date: 14 November 2004.

Saleh, As-Saleh. (n.d.) Audio Lecture on Quranites. Available at <URL:  http://www.understand-islam.net/audio/andromeda.php?q=f&f=%2FDeviant+Sects+%26+Bida%27%2FQur%27anites.> Access Date:18th May 2005.

Siba’i, as-, Mustafa. (n.d). Following the Messenger of Allah is a Must.  Available at <URL: http:/www.islaam.com/Article.aspx?id=239> Access Date: 4th March 2005.

Ṣiddīqī, Muḥammad Zubayr. (1993). Hadith Literature. Its Origin, Development & Special Features. Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society.

The Qur’ān, Arabic Text with Corresponding English Meanings. (1997) Jeddah: Abul Qasim Publishing House.

The Noble Qur’ān, English Translation of the meaning and commentary. (1997) Madinah: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Qur’ān.

Usmani, Muhammad Taqi. (1991). The Authority of the Sunnah. New Delhi: Kitan Bhavan.

VanDoodewaard, William (1996). Ḥadīth Authenticity: A Survey of Perspectives. Available at: <URL: http://www.rim.org/muslim/hadith.htm> Access Date 17th February 2005.

Yūsuf , S.M. (1977) The Sunnah, Importance, Transmission, Development, Revision. (Second Edition). Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture.

Zaheer, Syed Iqbal. (2002). Fake Pearls. A Collection of Fabricated Prophetic Sayings (Second Edition). Scarborough, Canada: Al-Attique Publishers Inc.

Zarabozo, Jamaal al-Din M. (1999).  Towards Understanding our Religion. Volume One. Denver, Colorado: Al-Basheer Company for Publications and Translations.

Zarabozo, Jamaal al-Din M. (2000).  The Authority and Importance of the Sunnah. Denver, Colorado: Al-Basheer Company for Publications and Translations.

Zafar, Abdul Rauf. (1991) “Transmission of Ḥadīth and Biography”.Islamic Quarterly,35(2) 118-39.

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